Musing Quills

Are we still Young Enough!?

Key Highlights:

-It’s hard to believe that you don’t have a single dream in your entire life.

-The journey makes us question ourselves.

-For sure not all decisions made will meet our expectations; some are beyond unrealistic experiences & disappointments.

-It’s ok to be Who we are & have the courage to be You.

"Are We Still Young Enough? Rethinking the Concept of Aging"

Samruddhi Borkhade

Soham Das

Netra Sadalge

Shrihari Sadalgekar

Big dreams that sparkled in our eyes like stars and burned high like fire.
Did anyone really notice them?
Those big dreams while you were young?
Are they still alive?
Not all dream big (it’s completely ok not to). But it’s hard to believe that you don’t have a single dream in your entire life.
Why we don’t dare to dream? We hardly know the journey of becoming ourselves, knowing the purpose of life, shaping ourselves with more clarity. We soak ourselves into fear, confusion, misunderstandings, doubts. But with time (the best teacher), the experiences shape us out so well that we stick to the decisions that we make.

"Forever Young: The Ageless Spirit Within Us All"

 The journey makes us question ourselves.
Do we really answer them?
Do we accept the truth of really being who we are?
Once we start receiving all the answers we become clearer, we learn to keep calm, we have enough sense to tolerate by understanding ourselves better than expecting it from others.

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"Embracing the Ageless Mindset: How to Stay Young at Heart"

 For sure not all decisions made will meet our expectations; some are beyond unrealistic experiences & disappointments.
The answer may be Yes/No, doesn’t matter! What really matters is Who we are? Where are we on our journeys of life? Stop validating yourself for the sake of others.

Conclusion: It’s ok to be Who we are & have the courage to be You.
It’s ok to be young enough in our own journeys at any points of our lives that are worth witnessing at the end of the journey.

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