Musing Quills

The unreal attachment.

Key Highlights:

-I smiled at her face and she went away without asking me a single question.

-I came to my phone and Played music.

-I was happy being myself and happy listening to what I love!

-We stick to something which melts our heart and which is unreal!

Samruddhi Borkhade

Soham Das

Netra Sadalge

Shrihari Sadalgekar

Music Kept on going it remained on playback but my Heart and Brain were asleep resting but inactive in the Real-world and Active in Dreamworld.

Day Started as I woke up I saw a blurry image disturbing My sleep and making me come out of my bed, which was so cozy that one wouldn’t leave the bed. I wiped my eyes and saw my mom yelling at me and asking me why was the music Kept on playing on the phone the whole night and why haven’t stopped using my phone last night, I smiled at her face and she went away without asking me a single question after that, I realized last night I was in a Deeply hurt and was not able to talk to anyone but the reason was that quite close to my heart, as someone very close had hurt and made me understand we are no more happy together nor are we gonna be.

"The Art of the Unreal: The Unreal Attachment - A Blog on Creativity and Imagination"

I vanished away from my mind, faded away from my heart, found myself surviving even after Having my heart held in my chest, left for the very place where all my tears are Lived, I came to my phone and Played music and the very first song played Made pass away on my bed! Music has the power to make you Repeat after it music has the power to make you feel better music has the power to make you understand about Life!

Every Lyric of the song which got Played was
Heart touching meant a lot of things in life!
Unknowingly we somehow get addicted to the very Words which were sung in the song and make an understanding about those lyrics and we try to relate it out in our life! I muttered those lyrics of the song In my Dreamworld and Passed away to the place in my dream world where I was happy being myself and happy listening to what I love!

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"The Art of the Unreal: The Unreal Attachment - A Blog on Creativity and Imagination"

I muttered those lyrics of the song In my Dreamworld and Passed away to the place in my dream world where I was happy being myself and happy listening to what I love! Certainly in the real world, there would be things that made me happy at a min and sad at the other, I didn’t know if it just was happening to me but to motivate myself and bring up myself from the well of Anxiety I did so. I found myself wanting and expecting more from the place where happiness used to arrive at me! But realized that happiness is supposed to come from you for yourself and Music helped me to do so!

Conclusion: We stick to something which melts our heart and which is unreal!

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