Musing Quills

Art, Business, and Artists

Key Highlights:

-Let us normalize choosing a passion.

-This generation has broken the barriers to trying their talent like singing, dancing, drawing, start-ups, innovative courses that will help them in being better than the individual they are.

-They have put in a lot of struggle, effort, and hard work to mold their art and ideas into the best form.

-Stop asking for free because you are a friend. Pay a bit extra and help your friend grow.

Art, Business, and Artists

Samruddhi Borkhade

Soham Das

Netra Sadalge

Shrihari Sadalgekar

Let us normalize choosing a passion. Sport over a subject. Start-ups over a private company or government jobs. Let’s just normalize art, the struggle of artists, the ideas of entrepreneurs. Let’s normalize this lifestyle for ourselves and the coming generations. 💫

This generation is very fond of changing their path from the regular routine that was set by their parents or grandparents which usually involved completing their education, getting a degree of graduation, and applying for government jobs or jobs that are safe in terms of money and which can be done long term. This generation has broken the barriers to trying their talent like singing, dancing, drawing, start-ups, innovative courses that will help them in being better than the individual they are. It takes real courage to step out of your comfort zone or to convince a big number of people about “you not doing a job and choosing a different way for yourself”.

Art, Business, and Artists

It so happens that usually relatives, friends, and cousins will not help you in anything until you reach a point where people start recognizing you or you are earning a good amount of money through your chosen path. Once you are at a progressive point, you will be asked for a free food at your cafe, a free pass to your concerts, free products from your business. This is not what the individual is working for. They have put in a lot of struggle, effort, and hard work to mould their art and ideas into the best form.

Our Community

A platform for all the enthusiast individuals to express their opinion with guidance of the experts, reach out if you too want to grow with us.

Art, Business, and Artists

First of all, start supporting the raw talent around you. Do not demotivate them with your helpless attitude. If you can, help them as much as you can and if you cannot do that, at least give them some good words of wisdom which will make him/her believe that they are on the right way. One small compliment can be a great boost to someone who has been working hard about his life.

Conclusion: Stop asking for free because you are a friend. Pay a bit extra and help your friend grow. All an individual wants is to be supported at least by their friends and parents, please do that and see the change.

It’s one life you have, make the best out of it. 💫❤

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